Tuesday 17 April 2012

M is for Me and the A to Z Challenge

M  M was going to be about Mambo and a discussion of beats and rhythms in various dances but as we are about half way through the blogging challenge I thought an explanation - or better  yet an apology to my fellow bloggers was in order. The apology is for not having been active in reading, commenting on and following many other blogs until now. So this post is about Me, and the reasons for my lack of sociability are several.
Until now I have been traveling- first on a cruise ship in Asia and the Middle East and then in a hotel in Dubai. Internet connectivity has been VERY expensive and not too reliable so it was as much as I could do to get my posts up and I could not spend much time cruising through other blogs.
Arrived home yesterday after  15 hours of flying time interrupted by a 6 hour layover, so I am still trying to figure out what day it is and what the time is for me, biologically speaking. But in between unpacking and getting laundry done over then next 2 days, I plan to visit as many  of my fellow Challengers as I can and get to know you, specially those who write about culture, food, travel and the art of writing.
As well since most of my on-line writing is for  my web site ReviewFromTheHouse.com,  I have been struggling a bit with the Blogger interface, and need to spend a bit of time figuring out the various functions and how to use the system to the best advantage.
So see you in Cyberspace, real soon!

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